Timothy Baustert and Dawn Baustert Injured In a vehicle crash that killed a juvenile in Windsor Coun

The teen died in a car crash on Thursday afternoon in Windsor County has been identified as Timothy Baustert, of Essex Junction, Vermont, and his mother Dawn Baustert.

A young passenger was killed and another was critically injured in a car crash on Thursday afternoon in Sharon, leaving Dawn, 45, and Tim, 55, hospitalized.

On Thursday around 3:30 p.m., a Chevrolet Suburban driven by Dawn reportedly left the roadway and collided with granite ledges in the middle of Interstate 89 in Sharon for circumstances still under investigation.

A young passenger in the car was found deceased after their vehicle stopped.

There was another child passenger in the back who was seriously injured.

The condition of the surviving members of the family is currently unknown.

Investigations into the crash’s cause continue.

The Royalton State Police Barracks can be reached at 802-234-9933 if any potential witnesses choose to come forward.

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