Is Mary J Blige mother Cora Blige still alive?

Cora Blige is the mother of an American singer, songwriter, rapper, and actress, Mary Jane Blige. In today’s blog, we will talk about the woman who birth the super talented actress and musician. Continue reading to find out more about her – whether she is alive or died.

Is Mary J Blige’s mother Cora Blige still alive?

Cora Blige is a celebrity mother who happens to be the mother of Maty J Blige. She is a mother of four children – three girls and a boy of which Mary happens to be her second child.

Cora Blige is a nurse who has been a victim of domestic violence by her ex-husband Thomas Blige. She is said to have struggled with alcoholism due to the abuse from her ex-husband.

Cora Blige is still alive and healthy despite suffering a stab.

Where is Cora Blige now and what does she do?

Cora Blige was a nurse and an alcoholic who was married to Thomas Blige. They parted ways in 1980 after several years of marriage. 

Cora Blige in 1987 was attacked by an acquaintance in this house where she was stabbed. Although Cora was able to escape the attack and was fully recovered, Mary admitted she was extremely affected by the incident.
