Canadian Real estate pioneer Albert Reichmann has passed away.
How Did Albert Reichmann Die?
The well-known Toronto developer and philanthropist Albert Reichmann has passed away on December 17, 2022, at the age of 93.
Albert Reichmann Cause of Death
Albert Reichmann cause of death was not disclosed yet. There are no information available about Albert Reichmann cause of death.
Albert Reichmann Cause of Death
Albert Reichmann cause of death was not disclosed yet. There are no information available about Albert Reichmann cause of death.
Albert Reichmann Wife, Children
Albert Reichmann’s wife, Egosah, died in April, the National Post said. One of their children, Philip, began his career at Olympia & York and later co-founded ReichmannHauer Capital Partners, a Toronto-based investment firm.
Albert Reichmann Net Worth
Reichmann joined his younger brothers Paul and Ralph Reichmann, who had set up business in Toronto. Paul was the president of their company, Olympia and York, in 1989 worth 8.4 billion dollars. Albert served in a secondary role as chairman of the company, but was most known for his philanthropic work.
At the family’s peak, their combined wealth was estimated at $13 billion, while Unknown to anyone outside the family at the time of this estimation they were actually in debt owing billions more than the family was supposedly worth to banks and creditors, the fourth-richest family on the planet on paper.
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