Is Jimmy Swaggart dead? Viral social media hoax debunked

Death hoaxes and rumours have become common on social media, and this time, many YouTube channels are claiming that Jimmy Swaggart, the American televangelist and gospel music performer, passed away in June 2023.

Several videos were shared on YouTube which claimed that the family had announced the death.

Many videos also stated that Jimmy Swaggart passed away due to blood cancer. However, no such claim has been made by the family members. Neither has any such news come from any reliable source. Furthermore, the videos claimed that Jimmy Swaggart passed away in June 2023, but Jimmy made posts on social media after June.

In fact, Jimmy posted a post for donation on July 17, 2023. At the same time, he has been active on all of his social media handles.

All of this proves that Jimmy Swaggart is not dead and is alive.

Jimmy Swaggart is not dead: More details about the televangelist revealed

Social media can be a fun place to be. However, many times, hoax news becomes viral and starts misleading the masses. Something similar happened when many YouTube channels made claims that televangelist Jimmy Swaggart had tragically passed away. Since none of his family members confirmed the news, and neither was it published by any reliable or verified sources, the news about his passing away has been proven to be fake and false.

Swaggart, whose real name is Jimmy Lee Swaggart, was born in March 1935 in Louisiana and is a televangelist and gospel music performer. Jimmy has often been described as the longest-serving American evangelist in history. Moreover, he has been involved in church-related activities since he was 8 years old.

He then ventured into music during the Great Depression. He is known for his piano skills and often praised and worshipped the god through his songs. He released his first album, Some Golden Daybreak, in 1958, which sold more than 17 million copies. He has received a number of awards like Favorite Gospel Music Artist for Singing News, Male Vocalist of the Year, Instrumentalist of the Year, etc.

Furthermore, he has been involved in preaching the masses. He has also been working actively with local churches and schools in poverty-stricken areas. He still continues to work for causes as he actively posts about various donations on his social media handles.

Social media users reacted to YouTube channels spreading fake news about Jimmy’s death

In a disturbing turn of events, several YouTube channels have recently announced that Jimmy Swaggart passed away, while the news was not true. As news of this misinformation began to circulate, social media users were quick to express their outrage and concern. On the other hand, there were also a few people who fell prey and thought that the news was true and believed it.

As the YouTube channel Latest News uploaded the video, here is how social media users reacted:

Social media users reacted to the fake news of Jimmy's passing away: Reactions explored. (Image via YouTube)
Social media users reacted to the fake news of Jimmy's passing away: Reactions explored. (Image via YouTube)
Social media users reacted to the fake news of Jimmy's passing away: Reactions explored. (Image via YouTube)
Social media users reacted to the fake news of Jimmy's passing away: Reactions explored. (Image via YouTube)
Social media users reacted to the fake news of Jimmy's passing away: Reactions explored. (Image via YouTube)

At the same time, death hoaxes have become common on social media. However, these must not be believed unless they come from a verified source. Furthermore, social media users should also refrain from sharing these fake news pieces, as it can make the news viral and make more and more people believe in it.

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